Seedlings Nursery
Teachers: Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Chatha
Foundation Lead: Mrs Ali
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Anderson, Miss Gallimore & Miss Sharples
The Nursery session
Morning Nursery starts at 8:30am each day and finishes at 11:30am. Afternoon Nursery starts at 12 pm and finishes at 3pm. Parents are greeted at the Nursery gates at both times of the day by a member of the foundation team.
Our learning this half term
This half term we will be thinking about the question “Who can help us?"
Through our key texts we will be looking at who can help us and keep us safe.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be naming the different occupations and dressing up into these roles as we play and explore!
Medium Term Planning
Library day
Every Tuesday the children in Nursery are invited to choose a book from our library which they can then take home to share with their family. The chosen book, can then be returned on the following Tuesday giving them the opportunity to select a new book.
Snack times
Snack time is a very important part of our Nursery day and all children are provided with a healthy piece of fruit along with the option of having a drink of milk or water each day.
Nature Tots
Every Thursday, Miss Sharples takes the children in small groups for some outdoor learning. This is an opportunity for the children to explore the environment around them and experience nature through their senses and learn important skills.
Now that the weather is beginning to change, could you please send your child with an appropriate coat as many are choosing to take part in outdoor learning opportunities.
Sometimes children like to have some screen time. Here is a short rhyme and a link with a story to help your child when online.
Having fun at Nursery!
Mrs Ali
Foundation Lead