Cherry Class Year 2
Welcome to Cherry Class!
Class Lead: Miss Pancisi
Teacher: Miss Johnson
Teaching Assistant: Miss Derrick
Welcome to Autumn 1 Cherry Class!
Next half term our curriculum driver will be History. The prime learning challenge will be 'Could you travel back in time'.
These are the key texts we will be closely looking at:
This half term, our curriculum driver is Geography. There are three key texts which are closely linked to our learning driver and our E-safety key text below:
Every child has a school reading book matched to their phonics level which they bring to and from school each day. It's beneficial for your child's reading development if you listen to them read as much as possible. Writing a comment in their reading log book also helps with this. Please ensure your child brings their reading book and reading log with them to school everyday so we can listen to them read.
In addition to a school reading book, the children also have the opportunity to select a book from our school library which they can take home and enjoy. The book they choose is purely to promote a love of books and reading, and is not aligned to their current phonics level. Please ensure these library books are sent back to school every Tuesday.
Our reading area:
Children have P.E every Wednesday.
They will need:
Children will not be able to wear earrings for P.E. We therefore ask for them to be removed at home.
Children will have swimming every Tuesday. The boys and girls will alternate each week. The girls will recommence on the 5th November.
They will need:
During the year the children are taught how to be safe and responsible when using technology. We refer to Buddy the dog to help develop their understanding and work alongside each parent to share the importance.
Here is the link:
Forest Fridays
Every Friday we have forest school where we enjoy a variety of outdoor learning opportunities. Please ensure your child brings their wellies into school every Friday.
There are many online resources you can use to aid your child's learning. I have attached some useful links below:
Miss Johnson
Cherry Class Teacher