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Birch Class Reception


Teacher: Mrs Ali

Teaching Assistant: Miss Altera


Autumn Term

We are excited to welcome lots of new friends into Reception this term, we will spend lots of time getting to know each other and making new friends.

Our topic will be "Can you find a friend", we will be finding new people to play with and learning about our families.


These are the key texts we will be using this term.


We have been making new friends and exploring our new classroom.


Please bring your PE bag every term, we will keep it in school.

We will have PE every Thursday, please make sure earrings are removed.


Reading books


Please send your child's reading book and pink reading record into school every day so we can keep reading in school.

Please try and read with your child at least 4 times a week, this will help them apply their skills and continue to make good progress with their reading.





We will take library books home every week.

Please bring library books back every Tuesday.

Forest School Fridays

Every Friday we will be exploring our school grounds and trying lots of different outdoor activities.


Please bring your wellies into school every Friday or keep a pair at school all term.


When we learn about e-safety and being safe online or when using a tablet, we learn this song from the Smartie the Penguin story.


"Before we tap and click, we need to stop and think, and tell someone!"


Smartie Penguin HD | Internet Safety Story for Early Years (

Mrs Ali
